Donnie n’ Vlad

The door closed and locked, Donnie was the first to speak after their warm embrace.

“They’re not happy to see us meeting alone with each other, without their own translators and media present.  Don’t they realize that men of our stature work best without interference and oversight?”

Vlad responded, “Neither of us is trusted Donnie.  The insights and power we possess tends to be intimidating, while at the same time confusing to those who lead simple lives.”

“We are leaders, effectively anointed,”  Donnie stated.  “Leaders of empires and men.  Don’t they understand that we hold sacred our responsibility to not allow anarchy and nuclear armageddon, and that we truly care about our people?”

Vlad responded, “The world’s a madhouse because we have billions of humans, each and all with opinions, desires, and all manner of associated foolish and fickle pursuits.  When you get down to it Donnie, it’s a miracle things work as well as they do on earth.  But the complaining and mistrust!  It never seems to end.”

Donnie declared,  “Fresh milk and truffles in every fridge!  That’s my idea of an advanced civilization.  Everything else is just a bonus!  Instead, what we get is incoherent and obnoxious whining about identity, equality, and injustice.  All made equal as reality would lead to a rather boring existence, if you ask me.”

“Nicely articulated,” Vlad answered.  “History illuminates the absurdity of the masses being allowed to control their own destiny. ‘Democracy’ in your own country is a fine example of   encouraging the people to believe that they are free, and really do hold the key to their own freedom and happiness.  ‘If my candidate wins, then again I will be free‘ they shout.  But they are not free.  No one, you and me included, is truly free.  We are slaves to our habits, hormones, needs, desires, and duty.  The complicated and mysterious nature of man’s existence is sublime and miraculous, and will hopefully never be revealed to any of us in full.  But the nuts and bolts of day to day life on our planet needs attending to.  That’s where you and I come in Donnie.”

“Our alliance- an American-Russian empire working harmoniously to further good in the world.  It would be unmatched, even by China,”  Donnie expounded. “An unbeatable military. There really is no reason why such a concept should be feared by the people.  Just as corporations are more efficient than many smaller entities haggling among each other, an empire like that which our alliance would become would be efficient and competent beyond belief.  Yet, for any number of reasons, the citizens, driven by the incompetent politicians and crooked media, can’t seem to see it’s virtues.”

Vlad replied, “Most of it is related to emotions and sentimentality.  My rise to power in Russia may appear offensive and monstrous to westerners, but don’t forget the very real nature of men’s emotions and sentimental proclivities.  My people have never really ever known ‘democracy’, thus think and feel differently than most Americans and Europeans.  Russians need a strong hand at the helm in order to feel even a little bit of security. We’re deep blue again on a damp and chilly day, while still worrying about the motherland being invaded by others. That’s the standard russian psyche.  It’s really a shame we suffered the Czars and Nazis, yet fell to the false gods of the Bolsheviks.  A chimeric democracy seems the most potent and effective way of controlling the scene of the time.  By the way, I really appreciate and approve of your efforts to weaken NATO.  Most of our citizens are uncomfortable with the idea of a military alliance which exists primarily to taunt us and make us feel insecure. Of course Russians are still deeply suspicious of the Germans, French, and Italians! That’s partly why I’m inclined to teach the Ukrainians a lesson, besides the obvious cultural and historical elements of the matter.”

Donnie commented, “A few days ago I held a rally in St Paul, Minnesota, in the midwest of our country.  Before showtime I visited the waterfront on our greatest river, the Mississippi.  There I saw a gigantic and beautiful towboat carrying the name, ‘Cooperative Venture’.  Our alliance, for marketing purposes, should have that name.  The rest of the world will be amazed at the audacity of the concept, yet be forced to see it for what it is.  A logical and sensible joining of peoples and cultures, the likes of which have never been seen before.  The nearest example might be the allied forces of world war 2.  We were allied then Vlad, it’s time we join together again and take our place in history.”

Vlad replied, “Excellent idea.  Our alliance will be the sword of love to neutralize the extremist theocracies causing so much misery around the world. Those are our enemies! And it goes without saying that the Chinese have long-term mischief in mind.  It’s a win-win scenario we propose.  We represent the farmer, the officeworker, the factory worker, the interests of every patriotic and rational citizen.  We must execute change and progress. Milk in the fridge, logs in the hearth, prosperity the norm. Let us toast to it, then we must return to our minders and keepers!  No doubt they’re having a tizzy right now wondering about our suspicious meeting here, no media spies present.” 

Donnie had the last word as they walked to the door.  “You, Vlad, the strategist, thinker, visionary from the steppes and plains of Russia.  Me, the builder, real estate tycoon, entertainer provocateur from New York City. What could go wrong?”

CP Butchvarov 2024