Short on time? Compromised attention span these days? Need a laugh or two waiting for the subway to arrive? Tiktalks are compact and suitably irreverent vignettes for busy folks in a busy world. Slide your earbuds in while you’re at it and listen while you laugh. Be offended. Be enlightened. Smile!!!

Highlighted words in each story contain links to songs.
Night Watchman With 38 Special
Blunote440-1 * Blunote440-2 * Blunote440-3 * Blunote440-4
AI Supernova-1 * AI Supernova-2 * AI Supernova-3 * AI Supernova-4 * AI Supernova-5
The Apologist * Donnie N’ Vlad * Re-match * The Candidates * The Battle Royale * The Great Debate * The Analysts Convention * Chinese Waterboarding * Homestretch Blues * Either Way * Those Pesky Changes