Either Way

“Which ever which way this all turns out, we’re in for a wild ride” the republican stated, as he hoisted his pint.  “My guy wins, the streets come alive with sore losers and predatorial mischief and mayhem agents of the radical left.  Your gal wins, I suspect similar behavior from hard-core elements will be displayed.  Along with the violence prone anti-fascist agitators and punks throwing in for dramatic effect. What a shame heh?  And maybe everybody’s so worn out they all fall asleep. The tick tock of the cosmic clock keeps a’ tickin…”

The democrat sipped his brew and responded, “No doubt my friend.  Add to that the depression and despair that will afflict the losing team.  I read that big pharm ramped up production of sedatives and antidepressants recently, in anticipation of high demand after the election.  Could be part of the plan, the master plan.  Strikes me as absurd, but then I have to confess that I’ve stocked up on some exquisite Scotch to help me cope in the coming days.”

The bartender delivered two more pints, shook his head and said to the chess players, “America is in the early stages of a much needed re-set or re-birth as a nation. That’s how I see the coming of the Don, and all the gyrations resulting from his being on the world’s stage.  Down to earth or not, like him or not, he has brought public debate and vigorous introspection into American life. Examination of one’s own foibles is imperative.  In my job behind this bar, over the years I’ve seen and heard alot.  What we’re going through as a people is necessary and good, in spite of all the rancor around it all.”
“Well put,” the republican stated, then lit his cigar and released ringlets of smoke toward the ceiling.  “Just as individuals go through stages of growth and maturation, so too must a nation of people, with common interest in the health and well-being of their home,  engage in sensible civic growth. In my view, my guy has a handle on the pitfalls and solutions facing us, far better than your gal’s naive yet dangerous view of the appropriate path forward.  It’s really too bad that the mass media spins their deceitful web of lies and manipulations. It’s as if everyone’s lost their minds!”

The democrat mused, “After my recognising and enduring some of the faulty behavior of my candidates, particularly their often aggressive character smackdowns, I’ve concluded that the wrong people run things in this country.  But how to change it for the better?  Things just seem to get worse and worse as time passes.  We know the schools are failing us.  Our leaders are failing us.  Sometimes I feel like we’re simply slaves who are no better off than those who built the pyramids, and that it all just goes round and round to end up in the same old town.”

The bartender walked off shaking his head, as the republican opined, ” My brother’s gun store has seen another uptick in ammo sales of late.  He says that customers are angry and ready for civil war. He tells me he’s never seen the likes of it.  So the liberals are stockpiling pills while the conservatives are stocking up on ammo.  Will there ever be a permanent peace on this planet?”
“Dream on!” the democrat responded after an elegant pull on his vapepipe.  “Tell me a story-it’s the story of man.  The nature of the matter.  Shall we find a quiet table in back and play some checkers?”

“Most excellent idea my friend!”

CP Butchvarov  2024