The Apologist

The chess players were sitting beneath particularly aromatic cherry blossoms, within shouting distance of the White House in DC.  Onlookers surrounded them and occasionally cheered or booed as the game progressed toward check-mate.  The players were retired bureaucrats; one a die-hard democrat, the other a firm republican, while the audience seemed comprised of people from all walks of life..    

“It’s a test of our democracy and whether or not we deserve it and can keep it!” the democrat, Joe, opined as he cautiously moved a pawn. “It doesn’t say much for the citizens that they voted the bastard in the first time!  There had to have been hanky panky with the Russians.”    

“Bullshit!”  the republican, Don, responded with gusto.  “Nobody wants to be called deplorable by a nasty woman, talked down to and made to feel small and inferior to the so-called “educated class!  The abuse he’s been subjected to is unbelievable!  Did you see the videos of senators and representatives giving speeches vowing to take him down come hell or high water!  It makes me ashamed to be an American.”    

Joe responded, “He’s unfit.  That’s the long and short of it.  He could be in Putin’s pocket.  You know he’s a racist and views women as sex objects.  And he’s a crook!  The stories are all there to hear, see, and read.”    

An onlooker interjected, “Do you believe everything you read?  Is everything you hear the truth?  Was John Lennon really a walrus disguised as a guitar player?  Do you remember her husband giving a national speech and lying to the whole world?  Depends on the definition of “is”?  None of them are to be trusted!”     

“That was then and this is now!  He’s psycho, a malignant narcissist!” Joe said as he turned from the board and glared at the spectator.  “And in love with the dear leader no less, exchanging love letters!  Pure treason!”    

“That was a masterful display of diplomacy if you ask me,” stated another onlooker. “Historic and provocative in my view.” He then lit his cigar and puffed a smoke ring across the chessboard.    

The republican chess player mused aloud, “He just does things differently.  And if the damned democrat whinnies would cooperate we could see real and good change here in America. He’s used to breaking down obstacles and getting things done. And he makes us laugh!”       

“He committed treason encouraging the Jan. 6 insurrection!” a scowling onlooker interjected passionately.  “He should be hanged for all to see on their social media feeds! Our democracy hangs in a noose as long as he has a chance to be president again.  If he wins in 2024 I’m moving to Canada!”    

The cigar aficionado blew another smoke ring across the board and stated, “He is loved by millions and supported because he’s a symbol and speaks with words that ordinary folks can understand.  So he stretches the truth a bit at times.  Big deal!  That’s always been part of American politics. He seems superhuman to have been able to withstand the abuses heaped on him since he rode that escalator and declared that he was a candidate.  Anyone else would have folded!  And his wife is one smart and gorgeous babe!”      

A woman in the audience, apparently triggered, shouted, “That’s sexist and demeaning talk!  Looks don’t have anything to do with right or wrong.  He’s a convicted rapist and desparager of all that’s noble and good in humanity!”  She snorted, turned, and walked off in a tizzy.    

Another woman spectator screamed, “He exudes confidence and power!  I like that in a man.  And he gave up a good life to serve our country. It’s as if he’s a god!  I also liked the idea he had of buying Greenland.  This is the age of empires and empires have to grow to survive.  There’s alot of natural resources there, very few people, and we need those resources if we’re going to compete with China, Russia, and all the other would-be empires.  The early bird gets the worm!”    

“Well said!” the republican chess-player responded.  “Hell, why buy it!  We’ll just seize it and listen to those arrogant Danes whine!  It’s dog eat dog on planet earth, and frankly I want my dog to survive and be fed a healthy diet.”  He then moved his rook and stared down his chess opponent.    

The democrat chess-player seemed confused as he analyzed the pieces on the board. “It would appear that my doom is near my friend.  Shall I concede now and offer to buy you a drink?”    

“Wise man sir!  Let’s go sit at a bar and analyze what we’ve heard today as we played.”     

CP Butchvarov 2024